How to realign after giving all your capacity to work
I often see clients who are paying the consequences of giving work projects too much capacity. I am also prone to this so I know what it feels like first hand.
Here’s some ideas on how to reset and come back into alignment with who you are and where you want to be.

Flourishing under pressure at work and at home
How we lead affects both our professional and home life. How do we manage the considerable pressures of work during busy times, while still managing ‘life’ alongside it? How do we remain sane and keep on top of our self leadership? How do we prioritise work demands? And how do we flourish? 3 lessons and tools to keep you on track.

3 top tips for thriving in a toxic work environment
What do you do when your work environment becomes unmanageable and you recognise that you are suffering from other’s toxicity?
Here are three starting points to help you deal with the toxic work environment that will give you a better standing to handle the stress.

Flow, Faff or Burnout?
This visual thought bubble, noted down based on my recent experiences and exploration of where the Flow state lies, is a work in progress. Self motivation is different for all of us - we all have our own personal drivers, values and motivators - and we all have our own environmental factors to consider. And I am keen to hear your experiences.

Reflections on current projects
As many of you know I wear a few different hats, which makes my coaching space all the more juicy and interesting! So here’s a little update of some of the projects I’ve been working on lately.
How to live with joy and energy
If you’ve ever felt yourself NOT living your best imagined life, slipping in the chaos of work and family, finding health lagging in your priorities or downright drowning in overwhelm and burnout, then you know how far away ‘energy and joy’ can feel.
It’s in moments like these we think - How did I get here? What happened to even get to this point? What the heck has gone wrong?
Living with energy and joy - and linked to this, clarity and control - are some of the most frequent aspirations of my 121 clients, who often come verging on the edges of burnout, or ‘wellbeing deprivation’.
Transitioning to a place of joy is not a quick fix - coaching journeys and personal / professional development worth investing in take time. And input. But boy is it worth it to create lasting results.
How can you make that transition?

What’s in your personal & professional ‘brilliance’ kit bag
What’s in your personal & professional ‘brilliance’ kit bag?
What are your go-to methods of getting back on track when you start to feel the mental and physical strain of life? How do you keep being your best? Here are my non-negotiable activities that I know get me to feeling back to chirpy, upbeat self.

How do we retain logic in crisis
When crisis is all around, How can you take a small step to positively influence and make a small impact that can then grow? What seed can you plant?

Excellent leadership starts with awareness
We don’t have a lot of time on this planet, so it’s a given that we want to spend it being the best version of ourselves that we can, right?

Do you have a word for the year?
Do you have a word for the year?
Quite a number of annual reflective practices include this idea. Used well it can help to focus on the ‘Why’ beyond our daily to-do list and bring together goals and KPIs under one intention and can have a deeper resonance.

A new approach to New Year planning?
I saw a new trend emerge over Christmas that has stirred a interest. Are times changing?

Creating a Christmas (and life) you Really desire
How do you Really wish your Christmas to be? Read on for a magical way to align your families expectations and needs and create Christmas memories to love.

The mouse and the moon
Sometimes the spontaneous interjection and light touch, with colourful playful imagery can create a perfect direction to detach from current thought and provide a powerful reframing.

On purpose and meaning, and finding a path back to our core.
“…we are all inherently creative, hopeful, kind, loving and compassionate souls, somewhat dinted or bent by the journey of existing, and that our process in life is to come back to our selves somehow. How we do or don’t do this is our own discovery and through our own choices….”

How to create ‘flexible space’ and look at capacity using an easy tool
How to create ‘flexible space’ and look at capacity using an easy tool
What do you do when the unexpected happens? How do you react and how do you accommodate the surprise new issue/drama that is need of instant attention? What lessons can we learn in the work space in bending our capacity to navigate the unknown?

Safe Space
Who do you desire to be?
Because one things for sure - the person you will be tomorrow is different from the person you were today. And we both know that.
So how are you going to show up - and who are you going to do it with?

When you feel yourself slipping and the dark clouds of doubt come about
When you feel yourself slipping and the dark clouds of doubt come about
Stop. Pause. Take a breath. Remove yourself from your usual surroundings. Gain clarity by looking beyond the near focus. Pump blood round your body. Breathe some more. And be thankful.

More travels to nowhere
More travels to nowhere. And how removing yourself physically from the everyday creates an illuminated sideways shift in your future pathway.

How do we recalibrate after life throws hurdles at you?
This blog looks at resilience and self care, adapting in business, juggling different roles and getting back on track with core values and professional and personal balance.