Selfishness or self care?
KateB.Coach KateB.Coach

Selfishness or self care?

Selfishness is a subject that arises in coaching conversations frequently, so what happens when we measure what selfish really means against self care?

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Let’s talk BANDWIDTH
KateB.Coach KateB.Coach

Let’s talk BANDWIDTH

As women we talk about capacity, battery level, energy levels. I’m curious how the language we use enables - or disables - how we show up in the daily challenges of life and work. 

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Taking stock to stop the burnout
KateB.Coach KateB.Coach

Taking stock to stop the burnout

Five key strategies to put in place when you’re feeling your energies stretched or the workload stressful. Strategies that will support you to elevate your super powers and become the awesome version of you, boost your personal leadership and operate from your ‘zone of brilliance’.

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How to be authentically you
KateB.Coach KateB.Coach

How to be authentically you

Often in coaching sessions, the hurdles to progress, the issues, the situations - all are part of a wider underlying need and desire - and right - to show up as our true self. To be authentic. But expectations in the workplace and in life influence how we show up, plus a social pressure to be anything but ourselves is everywhere we look. So how can this be achieved, what does it mean and what does it feel like?

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The measurable and immeasurable impact of coaching
KateB.Coach KateB.Coach

The measurable and immeasurable impact of coaching

The thing that strikes me about coaching is it’s impact - it’s astonishing power to create transformation in people and situations. 

Here are a few journeys that demonstrate how coaching conversations have measurable and immeasurable lasting impact - and how indeed the journey can be transformational. 

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Maintaining the inner calm…
KateB.Coach KateB.Coach

Maintaining the inner calm…

When your schedule is back to back - and that’s not just ‘meetings’ but also the life admin in between - it’s hard to find time to yourself. But even though the ‘luxury’ of a day off seems so far away there are things that you can tweak in your day to maintain that inner calm.

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Wellbeing - where is the compassion?
KateB.Coach KateB.Coach

Wellbeing - where is the compassion?

We generally have an uncomfortable relationship with self compassion - and with ourselves. We are socially formed not to take care of ourselves. But how can we improve our wellbeing without it? We want to grow, we strive to develop our habits and our behaviours, we wish to flourish at work - yet a true journey must take the inner work too - the introspection and acknowledging the less desirable parts of our beings as a whole picture - a whole self.

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How to build resilience, deal with challenges and manage emotional capacity
KateB.Coach KateB.Coach

How to build resilience, deal with challenges and manage emotional capacity

I’ve had a number of challenges over the last few days that have left my emotional capacity in pieces. It’s not necessary to name them - some personal, some technical, some emotional.

When our capacity is challenged - how do we build resilience, deal with and prepare for this? What happens when we are not showing up as our brilliant selves and how can we get back there swiftly?

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Christmas manifesto
KateB.Coach KateB.Coach

Christmas manifesto

I’ve been working with the idea of manifesto for many years, probably since the early days of art college in the 90s and use the idea with clients too. I also use it in my personal life and one area it has worked with great success is the Christmas season and holidays in general. 

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Dollops of gratitude
KateB.Coach KateB.Coach

Dollops of gratitude

We know that a practice of gratitude has a positive effect on our wellbeing - there’s a tonne of scientific studies to evidence the effect. And having used myself as a Guinea pig to test the impact of gratitude a few years ago I was surprised at how my perspective changed and as a person I felt lighter and happier. 

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What does it feel like to perform at your best?
KateB.Coach KateB.Coach

What does it feel like to perform at your best?

Performance for employees is measured by the bottom line, the company’s output. If a company is performing well profits are good.

But for employees performance can come in a variety of outfits and baggage. What does performance look like to you?

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