The Wolf and The Moon
The wolf, image @StudioKGB
Who are you when stripped bare?
Stripped bare from the social pressures, cultural ideologies and roles with which you are borne into?
Give that a thought for a moment.
Who are ‘you’, really?
Who are you underneath the clothing you wear, the uniform of a social ‘norm’?
What kind of being are you?
Do you know?
What spirit do you bring to this world?
Ah! The existential dilemma of self. Have you even given it the light of day in the darkness of your brain?!
I am curious.
I had a vision a while back during a meditation. It was a meditation we’d done before and it was familiar, but this time it wrought a fierce reaction and I had to leave the room. Fascinating!
In the meditation I was trapped. Trapped in a room in a house, not my house. I escaped, I didn’t want to be there, did not want to go back inside. I climbed my fell - my ancient place - and stood, with my wolf by my side, in the moonlight.
It has taken me a good few weeks to work out what all this means and what the wolf represents, and what it boils down to is that the wolf is who we really are; without constraints, without social pressures, raw. The wolf, in this context, is a companion and a guardian of the soul.
So my question to you, if you are curious enough to have read this far, is who are you?
Please do comment or send a message, I would be delighted to learn more!
A lino cut of the wolf and the moon…