The mouse and the moon

If I asked you to pause, take a breath and imagine, for a moment, you were on the moon, sitting in a comfortable armchair, talking with a mouse who was wearing a party hat, what would you tell that mouse about how your future life would be?


Does this resonate?

Last week I asked a client just this. A queer reframing you might think. It might have been a risky diversion to take, since it was just our first session of a course of six. But I had a sense that all would be well, and a knowing that actually the client had the capacity of thinking and openness to embrace this peculiar request. 

And what happened?! I was right in my risk taking - it was a super effective sideways step in a conversation that was becoming heavy, and within the context it became so natural that the beautiful words that followed created a rich, visually textural context for exploring the next step - a newer version of what the future might look like.

Sometimes the spontaneous interjection and light touch, colourful playful imagery can create a perfect direction to detach from current thought and provide a powerful reframing.

I can’t take all the accolade however, and must acknowledge how honoured I am to work with and co-create conversations with clients who are open to this kind of imagination-exploration - coaching conversations that are creatively directed. This kind of approach creates a space to explore conversations through a slightly different lens and bringing with it humour, cartoon, simile, metaphor, imagination, and the playful taking-on of different identities and characters, musing and exploring with roles, playing with situations and tip toeing around imagined scenarios. 

These coaching sessions are fruitful in deepening our imagination and capacity to think wider and deeper, and an enjoyable way to create ideas beyond the restrictions of our everyday day dialogue. 

If this tickles your curiosity do give me a call, we can have a free half hour to explore:  Click here to book a time





Coach & Mentor


Creating a Christmas (and life) you Really desire


On purpose and meaning, and finding a path back to our core.