How to live with joy and energy
If you’ve ever felt yourself NOT living your best imagined life, slipping in the chaos of work and family, finding health lagging in your priorities or downright drowning in overwhelm and burnout, then you know how far away ‘energy and joy’ can feel.
It’s in moments like these we think - How did I get here? What happened to even get to this point? What the heck has gone wrong?
Living with energy and joy - and linked to this, clarity and control - are some of the most frequent aspirations of my 121 clients, who often come verging on the edges of burnout, or ‘wellbeing deprivation’.
Transitioning to a place of joy is not a quick fix - coaching journeys and personal / professional development worth investing in take time. And input. But boy is it worth it to create lasting results.
How can you make that transition?