> for February’s Gather <      

                   please email hello@kateb.co.uk for details                    

Walking, talking, coaching.

Unpack your mind, move, walk, get the blood and oxygen flowing, stretch and gain momentum in your physical and mental zones, take in the big skies and get inspired and uplifted...


Gather’ takes place on the last Friday of the month

Join me for a monthly meet up in the beautiful eastern fells of the Lake District - an amble, fresh air, movement and supportive coaching conversations to connect and help move you and your work forward.

We'll meet on the last Friday of the month near Penrith, bring snacks or lunch and your good company. 

This is fairly easy amble rather than a mountain climb, and requires a moderate amount of fitness.

<< Register each month to receive the info you need / location changes etc.

Gather with your company for a different experience.

Want to find out more?

Hop on a half hour call, no obligation, or send me a note below.