Back On Track
info page
Thank you for regisering for the Get Back On Track webinar.
Look forward to feeling less chaos and stress, and more clarity, energy and joy.
You’ll receive an email shortly with all the information you need including zoom links etc.
Save the date:
Wednesday 11 October
12pm - 1pm
Top tips for getting the most out of the session.
Put the date and time in your diary now!
The session will take place on zoom and be interactive, camera’s are encouraged to be on.
You’ll be notified by email of the zoom link.
Bring a pen and paper!
Come with an open mind and supportive, generous, sharing perspective.
Invite a friend and improve your accountability.
The course has allowed a helpful reflective and evaluative process much needed as a result of the pandemic.”
“I got some easily obtainable goals to follow that feel doable now.”
“I gained a sense of what is important to me in the future.”
“It was so good at getting me to think about my direction.”
“It gave me clear goals to follow and the steps to take to work towards goals.”
“It has given me peace of mind and allowed me to feel more balanced".”
“Kate is a great listener and speaker - empathetic with a great positivity.”
“Kate is so good at getting me to think about a direction to go in and practice ways to achieve this".”
“Kate is an understanding, calm, grounded person to be around.”
“I left feeling re-energised and purposeful.”