How do we retain logic in crisis

I know I’m not alone finding it uneasy to write posts recently when so many people have died and are affected by - in this case the earthquake in Turkey, and besides that a host of other high crisis global sitations.

How do we react to these emergencies?

How do we cope in knowing there are global emergencies happening every day?

Because (apart from donating) there’s not a great deal I can do to directly help - and this often makes the anxiety more so.

What can we do?

I must remember that being on site digging is not my role - my role is in supporting those who are making positive impact perhaps in other ways. 

These are where my strengths lie and that I must remember. 

From my perspective, I am a coach, a leadership and wellbeing coach, with a strong drive to make change and a compassionate understanding of individual’s needs: with the intention to make positive impact through clients who are change makers.

So it’s back to Covey’s circle of control and influence. There’s little I can do directly to help but I can influence by supporting others to do so.

Can we all positively influence?

How can you take a small step to positively influence and make a small impact that can then grow? What seed can you plant?

Collectively we can make all the difference.





Coach & Mentor


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Excellent leadership starts with awareness